CSS Exam Info
Specialists Test
1 / 37
Which of the following makes it essential to take great care when handling and transporting oxygen cylinders?
2 / 37
While working, you come across a hard, white, powdery material that could be asbestos. What should you do?
3 / 37
What is the most likely risk of injury when cutting large diameter pipe?
4 / 37
What piece of equipment would you use to find out whether a section of solid wall that you are about to drill into contains electric cables?
5 / 37
When replacing an electrical immersion heater in a hot water storage cylinder, what should you do to make sure that the electrical supply is dead before starting plumbing work?
6 / 37
Why should you carry out temporary continuity bonding before removing and replacing sections of metallic pipework?
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If you are drilling a hole, when do you need to wear eye protection?
8 / 37
How are legionella bacteria passed on to humans?
9 / 37
Apart from the cylinders used in gas-powered forklift trucks, why should liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders never be placed on their side during use?
10 / 37
Why is it important that operatives know the difference between propane and butane equipment?
11 / 37
What should you do if you are using a blowtorch near to timber?
12 / 37
Where is the safest place to store oxyacetylene gas-welding bottles when they are not in use?
13 / 37
You are required to replace below-ground drainage pipework in an excavation, which is approximately 2.5 m deep, but the trench sides show signs of collapse. What should you do?
14 / 37
If you have been handling sheet lead, what is the most likely way lead could get into your bloodstream?
15 / 37
What should you do when using a blowtorch near to flexible pipe lagging?
16 / 37
If you are asked to move a cast iron boiler some distance, what should you do?
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If working on a plumbing job where noise levels are rather high, who would you expect to carry out noise assessment?
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If lifting a roll of Code 5 sheet lead, what is the first thing you should do?
19 / 37
You are removing guttering from a large, single-storey, metal-framed and cladded building and the job is likely to take all day. What is the most appropriate type of access equipment you could use?
20 / 37
You are preparing to use an electric-powered threading machine. Which of the following statements should apply?
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The use of oxyacetylene equipment is not recommended for which of the following jointing methods?
22 / 37
When is it safe to transport workers to the workplace in the rear of a van?
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Where should a fire extinguisher be if you are using a blowtorch to joint copper tube and fittings in a domestic property?
24 / 37
Which is the safest method of transporting long lengths of copper pipe by van?
25 / 37
You are working in an occupied building and have taken up six lengths of 3 m floor boarding when you are called away to an urgent job. What should you do?
26 / 37
Which item of personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect against infrared radiation damage to the eyes during flame cutting or welding?
27 / 37
What is the colour of an acetylene cylinder?
28 / 37
The legionella bacteria that cause legionnaires' disease are most likely to be found in which of the following?
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How should bottles be positioned when using oxyacetylene welding equipment?
30 / 37
Which of the following statements is true?
31 / 37
What is the preferred method of checking for leaks when assembling liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) equipment before use?
32 / 37
What should you do if you need to move a cast iron bath, but it is too heavy to lift by yourself?
33 / 37
How should you install a flue into an existing chimney?
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What should you do if you arrive at a job which involves using ladder access to the roof and you notice that the ladder has been painted?
35 / 37
What should you do when repairing a burst water main using pipe-freezing equipment to isolate the damaged section of pipe?
36 / 37
If you are required to re-fix a section of external rainwater pipe using a power drill in wet weather conditions, which type of drill is most suitable?
37 / 37
You are drilling a 100 mm diameter hole for a flue pipe through a brick wall with a large hammer drill. Which combination of personal protective equipment (PPE) should you be supplied with?
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