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CSCS First Aid and emergency procedures Mock Test

First Aid and Emergency Procedures

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if you think that someone has broken their leg, what should you do?

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A first aider is required to have which one of the following?

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How should you be informed about what to do in an emergency? Give two answers.

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Someone has fallen from height and has no feeling in their legs. What should you do?

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If you cut your finger and it won't stop bleeding, what should you do?

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If the first-aid kit on site is empty, what should you do?

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What should you be given information about emergency assembly points?

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What should be done in the event of an emergency on site?

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Evacuation routes should be:

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If someone is in contact with a live cable, what should you do first?

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Someone is knocked unconscious and you are not trained in first aid. What should you do first?

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What two things should you do if there is an emergency situation on site?

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Someone working in a deep inspection chamber has collapsed. What should you do first?

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Which of the following best describes an assembly point?

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How would you expect to find out the location of the emergency assembly point?

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Does your employer have to provide a first-aid kit?

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If you find an injured person and you are on your own, what should you do first?

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What information should be gathered after a near miss incident occurs?

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What is the one thing a first aider cannot do?

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What should not be in a first-aid kit?

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Someone collapses with stomach pain and there is no first aider on site. What should you do first?

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Which two of the following will help you to find out about the site emergency procedures and emergency telephone numbers?

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You witness a serious accident on site. What immediate action should you take? Give two answers

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If there is an emergency while you are on site, what should you do first?

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