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Current Affairs MCQs

Current Affairs 2021 MCQs

1 / 20

The minimum electoral votes required by a candidate to win US Presidential Election :

2 / 20

The members of QUAD are :

3 / 20

2020 Pakistan Super League (PSL) champions :

4 / 20

Brexit referendum in UK was held under the premiership of :

5 / 20

Number of votes needed by Pakistan from 39 FATF members (Financial Action Task Force) to exit from the grey list :

6 / 20

The position at which the 2020 Global Climate Risk Index has placed Pakistan for the countries  worst hit from 1999 to 2018 : 

7 / 20

Who broke Barack Obama's record of the highest number of popular votes in elections ?

8 / 20

Which country is a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) ?

9 / 20

Who is the current (2021) President of Germany ?

10 / 20

Yogi Adityanath is the current (2021) Chief Minister of which State of India ?

11 / 20

According to EIA, the biggest natural gas reserves are held by :

12 / 20

The book "Battle for Pakistan" is written by :

13 / 20

Since January 2019, how many times legislative elections have been held in Israel ?

14 / 20

BECA stands for :

15 / 20

Nagorno-Karabakh is a territorial conflict between :

16 / 20

Kavaan, the elephant, was moved from Islamabad Zoo on court's order to :

17 / 20

The Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with :

18 / 20

The Noble Peace Prize 2020 was awarded to :

19 / 20

Pakistan's National Assembly consists of :

20 / 20

According to 2017 census, the most urbanized province of Pakistan is :

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