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Computer Science Past Paper MCQs
Computer Science-II 2024 MCQs
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Making a system store data in memory contiguously would:
Storing data contiguously in memory allows for faster, sequential data access, reducing the need for additional computations to locate data blocks.
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Which of the following are true about the Weiner filter?
The Wiener filter is used to reduce noise in images or signals, aiming to minimize the mean square error (quadratic error) between the estimated and true values.
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PHP allows dynamic code execution using:
In PHP, the eval() function allows the execution of code passed as a string, enabling dynamic code execution at runtime. However, it should be used cautiously due to potential security risks.
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The time complexity of finding the shortest path in a network is:
A* algorithm is highly efficient for finding the shortest path in graphs when spatial heuristics are available, as it combines path cost with heuristics to reduce search time.
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DDL is used to:
DDL (Data Definition Language) commands are used to define and manage database structures, such as tables and schemas, not for data manipulation itself.
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Which of the following are computer architectures different from conventional von Neumann architecture?
The Harvard architecture differs from the von Neumann architecture by separating the storage and handling of instructions and data, whereas the von Neumann architecture uses the same memory space for both
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Which of the following are/is true?
While platform independence is a goal, low-level details still influence OS design. Assembly language can be used for performance-critical parts. And operating systems are essential for managing hardware and software resources.
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Dynamic range in image processing is:
Dynamic range in image processing refers to the range of grayscale values in an image, representing the intensity variation from black to white.
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In the RISC architecture, the _____ is updated whenever a function is called:
In RISC architecture, the stack pointer and frame pointer are used to track stack frames during function calls, with the return address register storing the address to return to after a function.
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Which of the following statement/s are true about PHP?
In PHP, echo and print have slight differences; echo can take multiple parameters, while print always returns 1 and takes a single parameter. Thus, neither (A) nor (B) is completely accurate.
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Which of the following is the most efficient encoding to send data via networks? Also consider the reasoning in your answer.
Binary encoding is most efficient for digital communication due to its simplicity and minimal data size, making it ideal for network transmission.
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A child entity in ER diagrams is:
In ER diagrams, a child entity inherits attributes and relationships from a parent entity, often represented in inheritance structures.
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A computer is in System mode when:
System mode (or kernel mode) allows the CPU to execute privileged instructions typically reserved for the operating system, providing full control over the hardware.
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Which is better, Time slicing or time sharing?
Time sharing provides a more equitable distribution of CPU time among multiple users.
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Which type of algorithms are applicable to scheduling resources in operating systems?
State space search algorithms are frequently used in scheduling to explore different configurations of resource allocation in an operating system.
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Network traffic estimation is:
Network traffic estimation involves complex factors like network topology, protocols, and real-time traffic patterns. It's often a combination of statistical modeling and machine learning techniques.
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Optical character recognition:
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can be done using deterministic algorithms, although machine learning methods can enhance OCR efficiency and accuracy
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SIFT is:
SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) is a technique used in image processing and computer vision to detect and describe local features in images, making it useful for object recognition and matching.
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Which of the following is true?
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Boyce Codd Normal Form:
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) is an advanced normal form that ensures each determinant in a database relation is a candidate key, enhancing data integrity
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