CSS Exam Info

CSCS Hazardous Substances Mock Test

Following is the information about the CSCS Hazardous Substances Mock Test. There are 38 questions in this test. The passing mark for this test is at least 90%. Your knowledge about how you can identify a hazardous substance, and what control measures should be in place to enable you to work safely, is tested. The detail of the learning content you need to cover for this test is given below.

Hazardous Substances

CSCS Hazardous Substances Mock Test

How you can identify a hazardous substance, and what control measures should be in place to enable you to work safely.

Learning Content:

  • Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) can be difficult to identify. Asbestos is made up of hazardous, microscopic fibres which can easily be inhaled.
  • If you think a material contains asbestos, always assume it does. Stop work, warn others, and report it to your supervisor.
  • Your employer should ensure that exposure to hazardous substances is prevented or adequately controlled.
  • Health and safety information for hazardous substances should be detailed in a COSHH assessment.
  • Control measures for working with hazardous substances should be monitored regularly.
  • Wet cement and concrete can cause skin burns and dermatitis if they are in direct contact with your skin.
  • Lead is toxic. The most common route of entry into the body is via the mouth (ingestion).

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