CSS Exam Info



MPT Test is held to short list candidates for CSS Written Exam. It comprises of 200 MCQs, each MCQ carrying one mark. There is no negative marking. The passing marks for MPT are 33%. The test duration is 200 minutes. 

This test is divided into following 5 Sections.

Note: Non-Muslims can opt for “Civics & Ethics” instead of “Islamiat”

MPT Practice Tests

Section I - Islamic Studies

MPT Islamic Studies

MPT Islamic studies

MPT Islamic Studies

MPT Islamic studies

Section II - Urdu

MPT Urdu

mpt urdu

MPT Urdu

mpt urdu

Section III - English

MPT English

MPT english

MPT English

MPT english

Section IV - General Abilities

MPT General Abilities

general abilities

Section V - General Knowledge

MPT General Knowledge

MPT general knowledge

MPT Rules

  • Preliminary Test shall be held to shortlist candidates for written examination.
  • Preliminary Test shall be of 200 minutes duration, comprising on paper-based MCQs of 200 marks.
  • Preliminary Test shall be conducted annually before written examination on the date as the Commission may decide.
  • Validity of Preliminary Test shall only be for the same year of competitive examination.
  • Qualifying threshold of the Preliminary Test shall be 33% marks.
  • There shall be no limit on the number of attempts to appear in the Preliminary Test.
  • Candidate seeking admission to the Preliminary Test must apply online for registration up to the closing date announced by the Commission. The application received manually or after the closing date shall not be entertained. For Preliminary Test no hard copy of the documents is required to be submitted. The candidate shall pay the fee for Preliminary Test as set out in appendix-II. The original treasury receipt should be handed over to the supervisory staff in the examination hall at the time of appearing in the Preliminary
  • Intimation about schedule and centers for Preliminary Test may only be obtained from Commission’s website. No separate intimation shall be sent through the Candidates who may download and print admission certificates from the commission’s online system. Entry to the examination hall shall not be allowed without original CNIC, original treasury receipt and admission certificate or as decided by the Commission.
  • Result of Preliminary Test shall be published on Commission’s website and no separate intimation to the individual candidate shall be sent.
  • In case of a large number of applicants for the Preliminary Test, the commission may decide to conduct the test in batches.
  • Candidates appearing in Preliminary Test must be otherwise eligible to appear in the competitive examination of the relevant year, otherwise their candidature shall be liable to rejection, irrespective of the fact that they appeared in the Preliminary Test or even passed the same.
  • Any wrong or misstatement given in the online application for preliminary Test by the candidate may lead to rejection of candidature.
  • Candidates who have already availed three chances to appear in competitive examinations are not eligible to apply or appear in Preliminary Test.


  • 04e4bb6167152ba0683c60d0e3b7f1a1?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Arslan khan

    Applying for not test

  • cbe7685e508afe1b56d8c3a0e6ac583c?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    babal khan

    student of css

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