CSS Exam Info


CSS Written Exam

Total Marks



At least:

  • 40% marks in Compulsory Subjects
  • 33% marks in Optional subjects
  • 50% aggregate marks
  • The three papers of general knowledge (General Science & Ability, Current Affairs and Pakistan) are to be passed collectively by scoring a minimum of 120 marks out of 300.
  • The Optional Papers consisting of two papers of 100 marks each are to be passed collectively by scoring a minimum of 66 marks out of 200.

General Instructions

  • Only the candidates declared qualified in the written examination and found eligible shall be called for subsequent medical examination, psychological assessment and viva voce.
  • The question papers in Urdu or other Pakistani regional languages (Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi), Persian and Arabic should be answered in the respective languages. However, the question relating to translation from the respective language into English or vice versa may be answered as directed in the question paper
  • There will be two papers of 100 marks each of the subjects which carry 200 marks. In other subjects of 100 marks, there will be one paper.
  • Each paper will be of 3 hours duration (30 mins for MCQs & 150 mins for Subjective Paper)
  • Ratio of MCQs in compulsory papers for CE-2016 will be 20 MCQs in each paper except in the paper of Essay.
  • Similarly, there will be 20 MCQs from each optional paper except Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.
  • The question paper in Islamic Studies OR Comparative Study of Major Religions (For Non-Muslims) is to be answered in English or Urdu only. All other papers must be answered in English unless otherwise directed in the Question Paper.

Compulsory Subjects

CSS Written Exam consists of 12 papers of 100 marks each. There are 6 compulsory subjects consisting of 600 marks. There are 45 Optional Subjects divided into 7 groups. Optional subjects also consist of 600 marks. An aspirant can select subjects of a maximum of 200 marks from Groups 1 & 2 each and can only choose one subject from each of the Groups 3 to 7.  The details of the subjects are given below:


CSS Essay 2


CSS Essay

General Science & Ability

general science mcqs

Current Affairs

Current Affairs MCQs

Pakistan Affairs

CSS Pakistan Affairs 1

Islamic Studies

CSS Islamiat

Note: Non-Muslim Candidates may opt for Comparative Study of Major Religions instead of Islamic Studies

Optional Subjects


Accountancy & Auditing

CSS Accounting and Auditing Past Papers


CSS Economics Past Papers

Computer Science

CSS Computer Science Past Papers

Political science

political science mcqs

International relations

15. CSS International Relations


chemistry mcqs

Applied Mathematics

CSS Applied Maths

Pure Mathematics

CSS Pure Maths


CSS Statistics

Business Administration

Business Administration CSS Past Papers

Public Administration

public administration css past papers

Governance & Public Policies

Governance & Public Policies Past Papers

Town Planning & Urban Management

CSS Town Planning Urban Management

History of pakistan & india

CSS History of Pakistan India 1

Islamic History & Culture

pngwing.com 1

British History

CSS British History

European History

CSS European History

History of USA

CSS History of USA

Gender Studies

gender studies mcqs

Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science MCQs

Agriculture & Forestry

Agriculture & Forestry CSS Past Papers

ENGLISH Literature

CSS English Literature

Urdu Literature

CSS Urdu Literature

Constitutional Law

CSS Constitutional Law

International Law

CSS International Law

Muslim Law & Jurisprudence

Muslim Law CSS Past Papers

Mercantile Law

CSS Mercantile Law


CSS Criminology


CSS Philosophy

Journalism & Mass Communication​

CSS Journalism Mass Communication


CSS Psychology


Geography CSS Past Papers


CSS Sociology


CSS Anthropology


  • de0dd6eb7999c0152ec8001ae56580cc?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Maria bilqees

    I have to ask like after qualifying ADP degree, am i eligible for css exam?
    If age is above 30 , Eligiblity criteria for attempting css exam meet?

    • a1c4efa96d79000142401016cb79652b?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      No, maximum age for taking CSS exam is 30 years.

  • 49217d29acee069be05fe5fb82eadd26?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Zohaib Ali

    Sir/Mam, I want to know is there any subject related to veterinary sciences in css optional subjects

    • a1c4efa96d79000142401016cb79652b?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      No there are not any!

  • 99e3c3eea4746643deebd27ae7735cff?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Manthar Ali

    Sir I want preparation css exam so kindly can you help me


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