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CSS Pakistan Affairs 1

Pakistan Affairs 2021 MCQs

1 / 20

Zakat and Usher Ordinance, as a result of which Zakat and Usher Department came into existence, was promulgated in:

2 / 20

Pakistan witnessed the imposition of the 2nd Martial Law in its history in:

3 / 20

Pakistan's first commander-in-chief was:

4 / 20

The first Khilafat Conference was held at Delhi in:

5 / 20

The option that was not correct about Cabinet Mission Plan was:

6 / 20

The pass which connects Chitral with Dir in KPK is:

7 / 20

The Chauri Chaura incident took place in Gorakhpur on:

8 / 20

The constitution of India was framed by the Constituent Assembly under:

9 / 20

The East India Company was formed on:

10 / 20

Pakistan officially joined SCO as a full member on:

11 / 20

The ruins of Harappa, which were discovered in 1921, are located in:

12 / 20

The Lucknow Pact between the Congress and the Muslim League was signed in:

13 / 20

Tarbela dam is located in:

14 / 20

China signed an air transport agreement with Pakistan in:

15 / 20

The Bogra formula, which was presented on 7th October 1953, is also known as:

16 / 20

Baz Nama (The Book Falconry) was authored by:

17 / 20

The total area of Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) is:

18 / 20

Simla Deputation under the leadership of Sir Agha Khan, met Viceroy on:

19 / 20

The 3rd June Plan was announced by:

20 / 20

The number of members from both houses of parliament in the 18th amendment committee was:

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