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CSS Islamic Studies MCQs - 2024

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CSS Islamiat

Islamic Studies 2024 MCQs

1 / 20

How many Heads of Zakat are mentioned in Quran:

2 / 20

Which Caliph was first to set the prescribed punishment of drinking at eighty lashes?

3 / 20

"Mujadid Alf-Thani" is the title of:

4 / 20

Original name of the host of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Abu Ayub Ansari is:

5 / 20

How many Jews were killed in the Ghazwa Khayber?

6 / 20

For how many years were the Muslims imprisoned in Sha'b Abi Talib in Makkah?

7 / 20

Who was the founder of Dar-ul-Hikmah?

8 / 20

The name of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha (RA) is mentioned in which Surah?

9 / 20

The order of Tayammum is given in which Surah?

10 / 20

The Quranic term "Gharmin" means:

11 / 20

Which Imam has been more extensive in the use of Masat-e-Mursala?

12 / 20

Imam Muslim bin Hijaj Qusheri died in:

13 / 20

Author of the book "Al-Hisbah fil Islam" is:

14 / 20

Hadith which is directly narrated by Tabi is called:

15 / 20

Sahifa-e-Hammam bin Manbah is contained in their entirety in which book?

16 / 20

Istishab is the term of:

17 / 20

Tarjaman Al-Qur'an is the title of the companion:

18 / 20

How many Surahs are there on the name of the Prophets:

19 / 20

To which clan of Quraysh Hazrat Umer (RA) belongs?

20 / 20

Do not raise your voice above the voice of Prophet (PBUH). This order is in Surah:

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  • e3d57e6222bc859442820ba58d69cd89?s=60&d=mm&r=g

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