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CSS Islamiat

Islamic Studies 2016 MCQs

1 / 20

The secondary source of Islamic Law is :

2 / 20

When was battle of Khandaq fought ?

3 / 20

Who was called as Abul Bashar-e-Sani ?

4 / 20

Invention of Omar Khayyam :

5 / 20

Inventor of the Dark room :

6 / 20

The book "Maliyat ka Islami Nizam" is written by :

7 / 20

Journey of Miraj happened in :

8 / 20

The longest Surah of Quran :

9 / 20

Longest Ayat of the Holy Quran is in which Surah ?

10 / 20

Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madina after battle of Badr ?

11 / 20

Umm-ul-Masakeen is the title of :

12 / 20

The word RUKHAA means :

13 / 20

Which Ghazwa is also known as Youm-ul-Furqan ?

14 / 20

The word BHEEJ means :

15 / 20

The number of people migrated to Abyssinia in the 2nd migration was :

16 / 20

Queen Saba was the ruler of :

17 / 20

Sihah-e-Sitta is :

18 / 20

Faith of reincarnation is found in :

19 / 20

In the battle of Khayber, the Jew warrior Marhab was killed by :

20 / 20

Sassanid family ruled the :

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