CSS Exam Info


CSS Medical Exam


  • Candidate’s height will be measured as follows:

The candidate will remove his shoes and be placed against the standard with his feet together and the weight thrown on the heels and not on the toes or outer sides of the feet. The candidate will stand erect without rigidity and with the heels, calves, buttocks and shoulders touching the standard, the chin will be depressed to bring the vertex of the head level under the horizontal bar and the height will be recorded in millimeters.

  • Male candidates whose height is less than 1524 millimeters will not be considered physically fit for appointment to any of the BS-17 posts under the Federal Government. In the case of female candidates, this standard will be reduced to 1473 millimeters for posts that are completely sedentary provided the weight of such candidates is not less than 43.5 kilograms except for special candidates.
  • In the matter of the correlation of age, height and chest-girth of candidates, it is left to the Medical Board to use whatever correlation figures are considered most suitable as a guide in the examination of the candidates except for the Police.
  • For the Police, the correlation of age, height and chest-girth will not be less than that given in the following Table:


Height (mm)

Chest (mm)

Without shoes

Breadth when fully expanded

Range of expansion

1626 and under 1651



51 or more

1651 and under 1727


1727 and under 1778


1778 and under 1829


1829 and upwards



  • The candidate‘s chest will be measured as follows:

Candidate will be made to stand erect with his feet together and to raise his arms over his head. The tape will be so adjusted round the chest that its upper edge touches the interior angles of the shoulder blades behind and lies in the same horizontal plane when the tape is taken around the chest. The arms will then be lowered to hang loosely by the side and care will be taken that the shoulders are not thrown upward or backward so as to displace the tape. The candidate will then be directed to take a deep aspiration several times and the maximum expansion of the chest will be carefully noted and the minimum and maximum will then be recorded in millimeters 838—890, 864—927, etc. In recording the measurements fractions of less than 13 millimeters should not be noted.


The candidate will also be weighed and his weight recorded in kilograms. Fractions of a kilogram should not be noted.



  • The candidate‘s eyesight (except for special candidates i.e. visually impaired) will be tested in accordance with the following rules. The result of each test will be recorded:
    • General—The candidate‘s eyes will be submitted to a general examination directed to the detection of any disease of abnormality. The candidate will be rejected if he suffers from any squint or morbid conditions of eyes, eyelids or contiguous structures, or such a sort as to render, or to be likely at a future date to render him/her unfit for service.
    • Visual Acuity.— The examination for determining the acuteness of vision includes two tests—one for distant, the other for near vision.
  • Each eye will be examined separately and the lids must be kept wide open during the test.



  • No relaxation of the standards of vision will be allowed.


Right Eye

Left Eye

Distant Vision

V. 6/6

V. 6/6

Near Vision

 Reads 0.6

Reads 0.6





Better Eye

Worse Eye

Distant Vision

V. 6/6

V. 6/60 (without glasses)

V. 6/24 (corrected with glasses)

Near Vision

 Reads 0.6

Reads 1.0


Distant Vision

V. 6/60 (without glasses)

V. 6/6 (corrected with glasses)

V. 6/60 (without glasses)

V. 6/24 (corrected with glasses)

Near Vision

 Reads 0.8

Reads 1.0



No candidate will be accepted whose Visual Acuity falls below the following standards:



Better Eye

Worse Eye

Distant Vision

V. 6/12 (without glasses)

V. 6/6 (corrected with glasses)

V. 6/19 (without glasses)

V. 6/9 (corrected with glasses)

Near Vision

 Reads 0.6

Reads 0.6

The candidates will be examined, with the apparatus and according to the methods prescribed by the Railway Board‘s Standing Advisory Committee of Medical Officers. Any defect of color perception or in regard to field vision will be a cause for rejection of the candidate. The candidate under the condition of ordinary test for Visual Acuity having 6/6 vision with both eyes open with or without glasses, will be rejected, if, under the conditions of the Night Blindness Test his/her vision with both eyes open, with or without glasses; falls below 6/24.



No candidate will be accepted whose Visual Acuity falls below the following standard:



Better Eye

Worse Eye

Distant Vision

V. *6/24 (without glasses)

V. 6/6 (corrected with glasses)

V. *6/24 (without glasses)

V. 6/12 (corrected with glasses)

Near Vision

 Reads 0.8

Reads 1.0

* Temporarily lowered to 6/60

  • Snellen‘s test types will be used for the test for distant vision, without glasses at a distance of 6096 millimeters, and for the test for near vision, without glasses, at any distance selected by the candidate.
  • Inability to distinguish the principal colors will not be regarded as a cause for rejection but the fact will be noted in the proceedings and the candidates will be informed.
  • Each eye must have a full field of vision as tested by hand movements.
  • The degree of acuteness of vision of all candidates for appointment will be entered in the proceedings in the manner:-

V.P…………………………………………………with glasses………………………………………..Reads

V.L………………………………………………..with glasses………………………………………..Reads

  • In cases of serious abnormality the opinion of an ophthalmic specialist should be obtained.
  • No candidate will be accepted for an appointment if his/her vision doesn’t come up to the requirements specified above without the use of contact glasses. (Av contact glass or lens is defined as a glass shell, the concavity of which is in contact with the globe of the eye, a layer of liquid being interposed between the lens and the cornea. The meaning of the word ―glasses‖ wherever used above is to be interpreted as not covering contact glasses.)
Hearing & Speech
  • The candidate‘s hearing in each ear should be good except for special candidates i.e. hearing/speech impaired and there is no sign of disease of the ear.

  • The candidate‘s speech should be without impediment except for special candidates i.e. hearing/speech impaired.

  • The candidate‘s teeth should be in good order and he/she is provided with dentures where necessary for effective mastication (well-filled teeth will be considered as sound).
  • Candidates for the Police Service of Pakistan must have 10 sound teeth in the upper jaw, functionally opposed to 10 sound teeth in the lower jaw. Two of these teeth in each jaw must be molars.
Other Check-Ups

Following additional points are also observed:

  • Candidate’s heart and lungs should be sound.
  • there should be no evidence of any abdominal disease.
  • The candidate should not be ruptured
  • The candidate does not suffer from hydrocele, a severe degree of varicocele, varicose veins or polyps. A candidate for the Police Service of Pakistan who has been successfully operated on will be accepted ;
  • The candidate‘s limb, hands and feet (except special candidates i.e. physically impaired) should be well-formed and developed and there is no shortening of any limbs and there should be free and perfect movement of all joints.
  • the candidate does not suffer from any inveterate skin disease.
  • There should be no congenital malformation or defect.
  • The candidate does not bear traces of acute or chronic disease pointing to an impaired constitution ;
  • The candidate should bear the marks of efficient vaccination; or in the case of the Police Service of Pakistan he has been vaccinated (twice unsuccessfully) within the last five years.
  • (In support of this the candidates will be required to produce a certificate signed by a Medical Officer); and
  • The candidate should be free from communicable diseases.

General RULES

  1. All candidates must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of their duties. The candidates who after such medical examination which the Commission and the appointing authority may prescribe are found not to satisfy these requirements shall not be appointed except special candidates as mentioned in Rule (2).
  2. Special candidates in the categories of physically impaired, hearing or speech impaired and visually impaired shall be eligible to compete for competitive examination against all Occupational Groups and Services according to his choice.
  3. Special candidates who are visually impaired or physically impaired shall be provided helper (writer), if they have been, by any Federal or a Provincial Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons, declared permanently incapacitated for writing and a disability certificate in that regard has been attached by them with an application form and also requested for provision of helper in their application form. The Commission shall arrange the helper from within the available staff of the Commission deputed at the examination center. The role of the helper would merely be to reproduce in writing the words so uttered by the special candidate. No intellectual contribution by the helper shall be permissible. The educational level of the helper would be graduation, intermediate or matriculation as per the availability at the examination center. No request for the helper of choice or venue of the examination shall be entertained. The special candidate along with the helper shall remain within the examination hall till the conclusion of the paper.
  4. Extra time of 15 minutes per hour shall only be allowed to visually impaired candidates. The other categories of special candidates shall not be allowed extra time.
  5. The special candidate referred to in Rule # (3) and (4) may attempt the question paper on the computer, as the case may be, for which facility shall only be provided at the Commission‘s headquarters and its provincial offices, however, no TA/DA shall be admissible. Such computer literate candidates shall fill the relevant entries in the online application form, else they shall not be allowed to attempt the paper on computer.
  6. No application or medical certificate regarding the claim for disability or request for provision of helper or computer on medical grounds or sudden accident shall be accepted after the closing date, except where the claim has been made in the application form before the closing date and certificate of disability as aforesaid attached as evidence.
  7. Candidates who qualify the written examination shall be medically examined by the medical board constituted for the purpose. If any candidate remains absent twice in his medical examination, his candidature shall automatically stand rejected and no appeal in this regard shall be entertained and his chance shall be considered as consumed.
  8. To prevent disappointment, candidates may get themselves examined by a Government medical officer of the standing of a civil surgeon before applying for admission to the examination.


  • 2fd8fbdde51313d6e5352d1edad62f5b?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Aun Muhammad

    do they check for flat feet, bowed legs, allergies etc?

  • 96ad2b0df37f350c34282304b6d90895?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Fazal Abbas

    Sir please Tell me that an asthma patient can do CSS and become Officer

  • 3b686f47bfd115971a99cbd1741fd67c?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    What is eligibility for a color blind person???

  • f33a25d3ae19e3d61c259355f0cecc6b?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    If any candidate is overweight , do they get rejexted too or not ?

    • a1c4efa96d79000142401016cb79652b?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      No, weight is not a factor they consider during selection.

  • 3446aa958c464c15320ef4d71e5f01ca?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Sir if a person is medically deferred he is rejected all along, the hard work goes in vain?

    • a1c4efa96d79000142401016cb79652b?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      Yes, this is how it goes

  • afde19df45d3a3c044a967402eb7b17a?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Sir I a person has tuberculosis and he curd from this can that person will be eligible?

  • 262c6981aaac3728c42cf797e3314acb?s=60&d=mm&r=g
    Alam zair khan

    Sir , if a student knee MRI report is abnormal mean meniscus gard 1 or 2 ruptured but have no open symptoms like in walking and running or any other activities,is this student can apply for css ?

  • 5b156aa1e6121d48feee5db77575c5e5?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Sir !!! Is a candidate eligible for css if he has slight squint(extropia) for one eye.
    Vision remain normal.sometimes squint is notable.

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