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Political Science MCQs (Part 1)

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CSS Political Science Past Papers

Political Science - I

1 / 103

Leviathan is a book written by :

2 / 103

INITIATIVE and RECALL methods are often used in :

3 / 103

Which of the following statement is incorrect about Plato's view on Communism of wives?

4 / 103

Al-Farabi made ever lasting contribution to :

5 / 103

The long march began the ascent to the power of :

6 / 103

Which of the following thinkers is a Social Contractualist ?

7 / 103

The sovereignty in Islamic Political System belongs to :

8 / 103

Aristotle was the famous student of :

9 / 103

The Art of War is written by :

10 / 103

When did Machiavelli die ?

11 / 103

According to Plato, the population of an ideal state should be : 

12 / 103

"Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by :

13 / 103

"Man by nature is a social & political animal" - is the cornerstone of the philosophy of :

14 / 103

"Siyasatnama" & "Majmaul Wasaya" are the two works on administration attributed to :

15 / 103

A bicameral legislature is most suited to :

16 / 103

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is a famous quotation by :

17 / 103

The famous book "The Spirit of Laws", written by Montesquieu, was published in :

18 / 103

John Austin presented his theory of sovereignty in a book which was published in :

19 / 103

The founder of Communism is :

20 / 103

Allama Iqbal did his M.A. in Philosophy from the Government College Lahore in :

21 / 103

Montesquieu restricts forms of Government up to :

22 / 103

Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqh of :

23 / 103

"Two treaties on Civil Government" constitutes the basic source of Political thought of :

24 / 103

Th fascism of Plato got birth in _________ century B.C.

25 / 103

"Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number" was the idea of :

26 / 103

The power of center vis-à-vis federating units were increased through :

27 / 103

According to Aristotle, the end of state is :

28 / 103

The concept of "Legal Sovereignty" was first time given by :

29 / 103

________ is normally the technique of pressure groups to impress legislature :

30 / 103

The Center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of :

31 / 103

Single Transferable vote system was suggested for proportional representation by :

32 / 103

Which of the following are the elements of Marxism :

33 / 103

Alexander of Macedonia was student of :

34 / 103

The Greek philosopher Aristotle died in :

35 / 103

J.S. Mill wrote a famous book "On Liberty" in the year :

36 / 103

The main book which presents the Montesquieu's philosophy is :

37 / 103

Montesquieu was born in :

38 / 103

Ahya-ul-Ulum is the work of :

39 / 103

Ibn-e-Khaldun was contemporary of :

40 / 103

Benito Mussolini was the originator of :

41 / 103

J. J. Rousseau was born on 28th June, 1712 at :

42 / 103

In Pakistan, the doctrine of necessity was invoked by :

43 / 103

Marx and Engles produced the famous book "Communist Manifesto" in :

44 / 103

Modern Political thought begin with :

45 / 103

Al-Farabi translated the work of :

46 / 103

"Principle of Utility" as a formula was the idea of :

47 / 103

"Two treaties on civil government" was written by :

48 / 103

Al-Ghazali was a philosopher of :

49 / 103

"The end of politics is not knowledge but action", was said by :

50 / 103

Who belongs to Shafite School of Fiqha ?

51 / 103

Asbiyah was the term used by :

52 / 103

Allama Iqbal characterized as "the sharp agent of devil" to be political philosopher namely :

53 / 103

The natural rights according to Locke are :

54 / 103

"A summary of Plato's Laws" was written by :

55 / 103

The great but ungrateful pupil of his master who was born in 384 B.C. was :

56 / 103

Al-Ghazali was appointed in Nizamia College as a professor of :

57 / 103

A necessary moral code for conducting the business of the state is called :

58 / 103

Tahafut-al-falasifa (Incoherence of Philosophers) was written by :

59 / 103

The welfare theory believes that the state is :

60 / 103

The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was postulated by :

61 / 103

The distinction between Real Will & Actual Will was made by :

62 / 103

Karl Max is known for his theory of :

63 / 103

The turning point in the life of Plato came in the year 399 B.C. when he was of :

64 / 103

The author of the book "The Laws" was :

65 / 103

"Justice as treating equals equally and unequals unequally", was said by :

66 / 103

The term POLITY is originally applied to :

67 / 103

A form of closure under which a bill is divided into compartments, groups of which must be completely dealt with each day is called :

68 / 103

The principle of Judicial Review means to :

69 / 103

The book "Government and Politics in Pakistan" is written by :

70 / 103

The book "Sair-ul-Malook" was written by :

71 / 103

Liberal Democracy means :

72 / 103

Separation of Ethics and Politics was the principal notion in the philosophy of :

73 / 103

Perestroika means :

74 / 103

The concept of sovereignty was introduced for the first time into politics by :

75 / 103

Khawaja Abu Ali Hasan bin Ali bin Ishaq; in the history of Islamic Political thoughts, is widely known as :

76 / 103

KEEMAE - SAADAT was written by :

77 / 103

A sovereign state characterized by union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central government is called :

78 / 103

Machiavelli was born in :

79 / 103

The doctrine of proportionate equality was propounded by :

80 / 103

Wali-ud-Din Abdur Rehman is famously known as :


81 / 103

Machiavelli wrote "The Discourses of the first ten books on Titus Livy" in the year :

82 / 103

The word "Democracy" has been derived from the language :

83 / 103

Al-Farabi was the author of :

84 / 103

"The cause of sedition is always to be found in inequality", was said by :

85 / 103

Who is called the "Intellectual Father of the French Revolution" ?

86 / 103

Plato was born in :

87 / 103

"Man when separated from Law and Justice is worst of all animals", is the saying of :

88 / 103

A legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or government privilege is challenged, is called :

89 / 103

Principle of Collective Responsibility is a feature of :

90 / 103

The doctrine which is a curious blend of German idealism, English economics and French revolutionary & social thoughts :

91 / 103

Allama Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad address in :

92 / 103

Abu Nasar Farabi died in :

93 / 103

"An essay concerning human understanding" published in 1690, is the most important work of :

94 / 103

"Ilm-ul-Iqtisad" is written by :

95 / 103

Plato wrote the famous book :

96 / 103

Allama Iqbal was elected as member of Punjab Legislative Council in :

97 / 103

Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi served as Prime Minister of the :

98 / 103

Ibn-e-Khaldun wrote his book, "Muqaddimah" in :

99 / 103

Modern Fascism is the product of  _______ century.

100 / 103

Plato was a : 

101 / 103

"The economics is the factor causing revolutions, movements of wars", is the claim of :

102 / 103

Opposite of private law is :

103 / 103

"GENERAL WILL" as a concept was introduced by :

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