CSS Exam Info

CSS Final interview

CSS Final Interview


  • A candidate who is declared qualified in the written examination shall be interviewed by a board who shall have before them a record of his career, both academic and extramural and he shall be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess his suitability for the services for which he is entered and in framing their assessment the board shall attach particular importance to the moral and ethical qualities of the candidates, his intelligence and alertness of mind, his vigor and strength of character and his potential qualities of leadership. The board shall take into consideration his extramural activities such as sports, debates, hobbies, etc., and their effect on his physique and character, in assessing his merit.
  • All candidates are expected to have basic knowledge regarding Islam and Pakistan. Questions may be asked in the viva voce on these subjects. Persons securing less than pass marks in these subjects shall not be considered for appointment, irrespective of their proficiency in other fields. However, the non-Muslim candidates shall not be asked any questions regarding Islam.
  • Viva-voce shall be of 300 marks. A candidate who fails to secure at least 100 marks in viva-voce shall be considered to have failed and shall not be eligible for appointment.
  • The result of viva-voce shall be intimated to all candidates in due course of time.

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