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CSS Islamiat

Islamic Studies 2022 MCQs

1 / 20

The Ghazwa that was called Jaish-al-Usra (the Army of difficulty) was:

2 / 20

A tradition whose chain of narrators reaches to the Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is called:

3 / 20

The Surah of the Holy Quran which is called "Ahsan Al-Qasas" is:

4 / 20

The Companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who called the first Azaan was:

5 / 20

The act of preferring one analogy to another is called:

6 / 20

The Muslim general who conquered the area of today's Spain during the Umayyad Caliphate was:

7 / 20

The Surah of the Holy Quran that mentions the heads of Zakat is:

8 / 20

The prayer offered at the time of Solar Eclipse is:

9 / 20

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) lived for how many years after the death of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

10 / 20

The author of the book "Seerat-e-Sarwar-Alam" is:

11 / 20

The Caliph who established the Bayt-ul-Hikma (House of Wisdom) was:

12 / 20

The book of Ahadith containing 40 Ahadith is called:

13 / 20

The first woman martyr of Islam was:

14 / 20

The person who fought against Akbar's Din-e-Ilahi was:

15 / 20

The Treaty of Hudaibiyyah was written by:

16 / 20

The book of ahadith titled "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa" was narrated by:

17 / 20

The area where Mann-o-Salva was given to the people of Bani Israel was:

18 / 20

The number of times the word "Mubeen" mentioned in Surah Yaseen is:

19 / 20

The author of the book Al Itqan Fi Uloom-il-Quran is:

20 / 20

The real name of Imam Abu Hanifa was:

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