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Gender Studies MCQs

1 / 57

Which of the following characteristic distinguishes chiefs from big men ?

2 / 57

Bride price is :

3 / 57

Which feminist perspective has patriarchy as its fundamental concept in the explanation of gender inequality ?

4 / 57

Which of these is not part of Judith Butler's theory of gender identity ?

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Ken Plummer has identified four types of homosexuality in modern Western culture. Which one refers to settings where men engage in same-sex activity only as a substitute for heterosexual behavior ?

6 / 57

Menstrual seclusion among Yurok Indians :

7 / 57

A dowry is :

8 / 57

There are two particular documented times that increase the risk of intimate partner violence ?

9 / 57

Hunter gatherers in Australia display the following with respect to gender roles :

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Norbert Elias argued that effective communication systems have an evolutionary 'survival value'. He illustrated this in humans by studying :

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One-parent domestic groups are :

12 / 57

The most common victims of family violence are :

13 / 57

Among the Kung and Mbuti hunter-gatherers, gender roles are :

14 / 57

The belief that males are spiritually superior to females is :

15 / 57

Iris Marion Young's 1980 article, 'Throwing Like a girl', is concerned with :

16 / 57

Approximately what percentage of women who have been physically assaulted report the assault to the police ?

17 / 57

Exogamy is :

18 / 57

Which of the following does not constitute "sex work" ?

19 / 57

An important advantage of exogamy is :

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Proportionally, the rate of hospitalization as a result of interpersonal violence is greater for :

21 / 57

Approximately what percentage of women who have been physically assaulted report the assault to the police ?

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According to a survey, the number of people who believe that domestic violence can be excused if the perpetrator shows that they regret what they have done :

23 / 57

Sister exchange :

24 / 57

Sociologists use the term 'sex' to refer to :

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Iroquois women :

26 / 57

R. W. Connell's theory of the gender hierarchy identifies many expressions of femininity and masculinity. Which one sits at the top of the hierarchy ?

27 / 57

More death and disability among women globally is caused by :

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Common reason victims give for returning to a violent relationship :

29 / 57

Which of the following statement is false regarding women is West Africa ?

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Cas Wouter's (2004) Sex and Manners is a study of changing gender relations and the formalization of courtship codes. Where is his research data primarily drawn from ?

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The most common form of marriage in America is :

32 / 57

Gender refers to :

33 / 57

The term family violence is used because :

34 / 57

The most consistent predictor of attitudes supporting the use of violence against women is a person's :

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Marriage to more than one wife is called :

36 / 57

Which theoretical approach questions the very existence of identity categories, seeing these, rather, as products of specific discourses ?

37 / 57

Polyandry :

38 / 57

Physical violence is most commonly perpetrated by :

39 / 57

Which of the following is NOT true of gender roles ?

40 / 57

Nuclear families are :

41 / 57

Family violence and sexual assault are linked with increased rates of :

42 / 57

Which of the following is not one of the six structures of patriarchy identified by Sylvia Walby (1990) ?

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Women in pre-state societies :

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Which form of feminism is most closely associated with intersectionality ?

45 / 57

The stonewall riots were a significant event in :

46 / 57

Which of the following is a marriage universal ?

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Women are most at risk of violence generally in :

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Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to domestic life ?

49 / 57

New Guinea men enjoy power advantages over women with respect to :

50 / 57

Which is the central premise of strict social constructionist theories of gender studies ?

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Which of the following is least likely to be directly affected by trends in globalization ?

52 / 57

Iroquois women were powerful because :

53 / 57

How many different sexual identities did Lorber (1994) classify ?

54 / 57

The adaptive advantage of incest avoidance and exogamy is that it tends to :

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In Margaret Mead's study of three New Guinea tribes, Mead tried to show that : 

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Early and repeated exposure of children to parent conflict may result in :

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Annette Weiner's re-study of the Trobriand Islands shows that :

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