CSS Exam Info

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You will be asked 20 random questions from a pool of 313 questions.

general science mcqs

General Science & Ability MCQs

1 / 20

Which cell organelles is called the powerhouse of the cell ?

2 / 20

The branch of physics which deals with atomic nuclei is :

3 / 20

Why red light is used in traffic signal for danger?

4 / 20

Which of the following is not a vitamin ?

5 / 20

A cyclone is formed when:

6 / 20

Which one is not a planet ?

7 / 20

The most abundant element in the earth's crust is :

8 / 20

Which is bigger - an astronomical unit (AU) or a light-year (LY) ?

9 / 20

Which of the following devices is suitable for removing finest dust from the air ?

10 / 20

The layer of atmosphere close to Earth's surface is called :

11 / 20

Which of the following is the fastest rotating planet ?

12 / 20

Pineapple variety suitable for canning is :

13 / 20

Which of the following are likely to be present in photochemical smog ?

14 / 20

The unit used to measure the distance between starts is :

15 / 20

Isotopes of an element have the same number of :

16 / 20

Pampas are vast grassy plains of :

17 / 20

The number of electrons in the outermost shell in the atom of an inert element is :

18 / 20

Which of the following is a non-point source of water pollution ?

19 / 20

Which are air pollutants ?

20 / 20

Rainbow formation is due to :

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