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CSCS General Responsibilities Mock Test

General Responsibilities

1 / 42

You have witnessed a serious accident on your site and are to be interviewed by a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector. What should you do?

2 / 42

What is the main reason for understanding the fire and emergency procedures on site?

3 / 42

What are two of the main reasons why the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is important to construction employers?

4 / 42

In which document should the safe way of carrying out a task be described?

5 / 42

If someone is injured on site, where should this be recorded?

6 / 42

General site rules would not normally include information about which one of the following?

7 / 42

What should you do if the safety rules given in your site induction seem out of date as work progresses?

8 / 42

Which two things should workers be briefed about when starting work on site for the first time?

9 / 42

Why is the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act important to you as a worker? Give two answers.

10 / 42

During the site induction you do not understand something the presenter says. What should you do?

11 / 42

Showing considerations to the neighbours of the site and members of the public is whose responsibility?

12 / 42

When creating a risk assessment, the severity of harm is multiplied by what?

13 / 42

Which of the following is your legal duty as a worker?

14 / 42

Who should you speak to if the work of another contractor is affecting your safety?

15 / 42

Before you enter a construction site, what actions must be in place?

16 / 42

How would you expect to find out about health and safety rules when you first arrive on site?

17 / 42

Which two of the following are the employer's legal duties towards people at work?

18 / 42

What should you do if you cannot do a job in a way described in the method statement?

19 / 42

If you notice that a design detail can't be built in the way it has been drawn in the plans, what two things should you do?

20 / 42

What should a worker do if they feel the task they are doing is no longer safe because of weather conditions?

21 / 42

What should a worker do if the helmet they are using is damaged?

22 / 42

Which two topics should be covered in site induction?

23 / 42

The whole site has been issued with a prohibition notice. What does this mean?

24 / 42

Site rules and procedures are the responsibility of whom?

25 / 42

What should workers follow whilst at work to meet their health and safety duties?

26 / 42

After watching you work, a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector issues an improvement notice. What does this mean?

27 / 42

Who has legal duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974?

28 / 42

What does the word hazard mean?

29 / 42

What should all risk assessments identify?

30 / 42

Which of the following two factors should be considered first when conducting a risk assessment?

31 / 42

Which two of the following would be found in a safe system of work?

32 / 42

What are two possible consequences for you if your employer does not prevent accidents and ill health at work?

33 / 42

If a worker fails to report a near miss, what could happen?

34 / 42

A risk assessment is undertaken for what purpose?

35 / 42

A worker finds a way of working that is quicker than the method statement they have been given. What should they do?

36 / 42

When workers arrive on site what is the first thing they should do?

37 / 42

Who is responsible for managing health and safety on site?

38 / 42

Why is it the employer's legal responsibility to discuss matters of health and safety with employees?

39 / 42

What are two possible consequences for employers of not taking measures to prevent accidents and ill health at work?

40 / 42

What is the main reason for attending a site induction?

41 / 42

What is a toolbox talk?

42 / 42

Employers must provide workers with instructions that meet which requirement?

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