CSS Exam Info

CSCS Accident Reporting and Recording Mock Test

Following is the information about the CSCS General Responsibilities Mock Test. There are 28 questions in this test. The passing mark for this test is at least 90%. Your knowledge about when, how and why accidents need to be reported and recorded is tested. The detail of the learning content you need to cover for this test is given below.

Accident Reporting and Recording

CSCS Accident Reporting and Recording Mock Test

When, how and why accidents need to be reported and recorded.

Learning Content:

  • Plant and machinery should only be used by authorised and competent operatives.
  • Reporting unsafe conditions is everyone’s responsibility on site.
  • Reporting near misses will help to prevent them happening again.
  • Any accident causing injury must be recorded in an accident book.
  • All relevant staff should be involved in investigating accidents and near misses.

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