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You will be asked 20 random questions from a pool of 232 questions.

Islamic Studies MCQs

1 / 20

In Ghazwa Hunain, the Muslims fought against:

2 / 20

The Prophet whose name has been mentioned the most in Holy Quran is :

3 / 20

The representative of the Quraysh in the Treaty of Hudaibiyah was: 

4 / 20

Umm-ul-Masakeen is the title of :

5 / 20

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Abu-Talib at the age of :

6 / 20

Khaleelullah is the title of :

7 / 20

Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as :

8 / 20

Siha-e-Sittah are the  _____  authentic books of Hadith.

9 / 20

Inventor of the Dark room :

10 / 20

The period of Islamic caliphate lasted for nearly :

11 / 20

Masjid-e-Nimra is located in :

12 / 20

The Quranic term "Gharmin" means:

13 / 20

Scribe of the Treaty of Hudaibiya :

14 / 20

The Caliph who established the Bayt-ul-Hikma (House of Wisdom) was:

15 / 20

Heads of Zakat are :

16 / 20

Last Ghazwa of the Holy Propher (SAW) was :

17 / 20

A tradition whose chain of narrators reaches to the Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is called:

18 / 20

The number of sacred months in Islam is :

19 / 20

The share of a widow in the legacy of her husband, if he died childless, is:

20 / 20

Original name of the host of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Abu Ayub Ansari is:

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